Sunday, August 1, 2021

Anthropology dissertation

Anthropology dissertation

anthropology dissertation

Anthropology Dissertations As of , all newly submitted Graduate Center dissertations and theses appear in Academic Works shortly after graduation. Some works are immediately available to read and download, and some become available after an embargo period set by the author The goal of writing anthropology dissertation is to give students the opportunity to conduct an original research project. This way, you will be able to gain detailed knowledge of the existing literature, current research, and methods used in your chosen area Recent Dissertations. Dissertations are listed by year in reverse order. Damon Lynch. "What War Does to a Survivor’s Sense of Time: The Spatiotemporal Self After Violence in Tajikistan". Advisor: William Beeman. Beverly Fok. "Chattel Land: Legal and Labor Histories of Reclamation in Singapore"

Dissertations & MA Theses | Department of Anthropology | University of Pittsburgh

Doctoral Dissertation, University of Pittsburgh. Cervantes Quequezana, Gabriela Urban Layout and Sociopolitical Organization in SicánPerú, anthropology dissertation. Gremba, Allison : Biocultural Analysis of Otitis Media and its Relationship to Traditional Skeletal Stress Markers in the Assessment of Structural Violence.

Grosso, Anthropology dissertation : Tissue Variability Effects on Saw Mark Evidence in Bone. Hoyos Gomez, Diana Rocío Campesinos and the State: Building and Experiencing the State in Rural Communities in the 'Post-conflict' Transition in Montes de María, Colombia.

Kello, Erin : Facial clefting and the Vietnam War: A Study of DNA Methylation Patterns and Intergenerational Stress. Kojanic, anthropology dissertation, Ognjen Ownership vs. Property Rights in a Worker-Owned Company in Post-Socialist Croatia. Krishnamurti, Lauren Sealy Care with Aloha: Preventing Suicide in Oahu, Hawaii. Zhang Chi Charles A Critical Assessment of Sampling Biases in Geometric Morphometric Analysis: The Case of Homo erectus. Doctoral DissertationUniversity of Pittsburgh.

Zhao, Chao : A Study of Land-use across the Transition to Agriculture in the Northern Yinshan Mountain Region at the Edge of Southern Mongolia Steppe Zone of Ulanqab, China. Chen, Peiyu Big Transitions in a Small Fishing Village: Anthropology dissertation Preceramic Life in Huaca Negra, Virú Valley, Peru. Franchetti, Fernando : Hunter-gatherer adaptation anthropology dissertation the deserts of northern Patagonia.

Kocic, Miroslav : Emergence of Social Complexity and Community building in the Late Neolithic cal. BCE of the Central Balkans. Muñoz Rojas, Lizette Anthropology dissertation and the Conquest: Contrasting Two Sixteenth Century Native Populations of the Viceroyalty of Peru. Doctoral Dissertation.

University of Pittsburgh. Anthropology dissertation, Chuen Yan : Subsistence Economics among Bronze Age Steppe Communities: An Archaeobotanical Approach to the study of Multi-resource Pastoralism anthropology dissertation the Southeastern Ural Mountains Region, Russia. Pantovic, Ljiljana : Private within the Public: Negotiating Birth in Serbia. Pompeani, Katherine M. Portillo, Alejandra Sejas : Local Level Leadership and Centralization in the Late Prehispanic Yaretani Basin, Bolivia.

Yoo, Wonji : The Making of God's Subject: Christian Conversion and Urban Youth in China. Cao, Junyang The Extirpation of the Chinese Alligator in North China. Masters PaperUniversity of Pittsburgh. Carlson, Rebecca, More Japanese than Japanese: Subjectivation in the Age of Brand Nationalism and the Internet. Chamberlin, Rachel Defining the Bio-citizen in Pluralistic Healthcare Settings: The Role of Patient Choice. Chechushkov, Igor Bronze Age Human Communities in the Southern Urals Steppe: Sintashta-Petrovka Social and Subsistence Organization.

Wang, Wenjing Lingjiatan Social Organization in the Yuxi Valley China: A Comparative Perspective. Bridges, Nora The Therapeutic Ecologies of Napo Runa Wellbeing. Chan, Zi Lin Carol Gendered Moral Economies of Transnational Migration: Mobilizing Shame and Faith in Migrant-Origin Villages of Central Java, Indonesia. Khalikova, Venera Institutionalized Alternative Medicine in North India: Plurality, Legitimacy, and Nationalist Discourses.

Puzo, Ieva The Local LIves anthropology dissertation Global Science: Foreign Scientists in Japan's Research Institutions. Robinson, Amanda S. Sharapov, Denis V. Sturm, Camilla Structure and Evolution of Economic Networks in Neolithic Walled Towns of the Jianghan Plain: A Geochemical Perspective.

Vargas Ruiz, Juan Carlos Complex Societies, Leadership Strategies and Agricultural Intensification in the Llanos of Casanare, Colombia. Venegas, Maria Alienated Affliction: The Politics of Grisi Siknis Experience in Nicaragua. Wakefield-Murphy, Robyn The Bioarchaeology of Gendered Social Processes Among Pre- and Post-Contact Native Americans: An Analysis of Mortuary Patterns, Health, and Activity in the Ohio Valley.

Zickefoose, Amanda Sustainable Practices and Anthropology dissertation Ideology on Small Anthropology dissertation in North-Central West Virginia, anthropology dissertation. Fajardo, Sebastian Prehispanic and Colonial Settlement Patterns of the Sogamoso Valley. Kesterke, Matthew J. Leeper, Bobbie J. Li, Tao Economic Differentiation in Hongshan Core Zone Communities Northeastern China : A Geochemical Perspective.

Li, Dongdong The Emergence of Walled Towns and Social Complexity in the Taojiahu-Xiaocheng Region of Jianghan Plain China. Wentworth Fournier, Chelsea Feasting and Food Security: Negotiating Infant and Child Feeding in Urban and Peri-Urban Vanuatu.

Lin, Hao-Li Vanua as Environment: Conservation, anthropology dissertation, Farming, and Development in Waitabu, Fiji. Johnson, anthropology dissertation, James Community Matters? Anthropology dissertation Social Complexity Through Centralization And Differentiation In Bronze Age Pastoral Societies Of The Southern Urals, Russian Federation, — BC. Ikehara Tsukayama, Hugo C. Herckis, Lauren R. Harmansah, anthropology dissertation, Rabia Performing Social Forgetting in a Post-Conflict Landscape: The Case of Cyprus.

Garrido Escobar, Francisco Javier Mining and the Inca Road in Prehistoric Atacama Desert, Anthropology dissertation. de St. Maurice, Gregory The Kyoto Brand: Protecting Agricultural and Culinary Heritage. Clark, Julia Modeling Late Prehistoric and Early Historic Pastoral Adaptations in Northern Mongolia's Darkhad Depression. Argüello García, Pedro María Subsistence Economy And Chiefdom Emergence in the Muisca Area.

A Study of the Valle De Tena. Williams, James T, anthropology dissertation. Sung, Shih-Hsiang The Flowing Materiality of Crystal: A Global Commodity Chain of Fengshui Objects From Brazil, China to Taiwan. Romano, Francisco Changing Bases of Power: The Transition From Regional Classic to Recent in the Alto Magdalena Colombia. Roman, Michael Migration, Transnationality, and Climate Change in the Republic of Kiribati.

Pesantes Villa, Maria Amalia Out of sight out of mind: intercultural health technicians in the Peruvian Amazon. Ornellas, Melody Li When a Wife is a Visitor: Mainland Chinese Marriage Migration, Citizenship, and Activism in Hong Kong. Giraldo Tenorio, Hernando Javier Sources of Power and the Development of Sociopolitical Complexity in Malagana, Southwestern Colombia. Berrey, anthropology dissertation, Charles A. Ventresca Miller, Alicia Social Organization And Interaction In Bronze Age Eurasia: A Bioarchaeological And Statistical Approach To The Study Of Communities.

Doctoral Dissertation, University Of Pittsburgh. Tulbure, Narcis Chary Opportunists: Money, Values, And Change In Postsocialist Romania. Sözer, Hande Managing In Visibility By A Double Minority: Dissimulation And Identity Maintenance Among Alevi Bulgarian Turks. Sol Castillo, Ricardo Felipe Religious Organization And Political Structure In Prehispanic Southern Costa Rica.

Rak, Kimberly Seeing Green: Gendered Relationship Expectations And Sexual Risk Among Economically Underserved Adolescents In Braddock, Pennsylvania. Ming, Kevin Slow Separations: Everyday Sex Work In Southern China. McCarthy, Rory G. Lopez Bravo, Roberto State Interventionism In The Late Classic Maya Palenque Polity: Household And Community Archaeology At El Lacandon. Lee, Yi-Tze Divided Anthropology dissertation On Limited Land: Cultural Experiences Of Agricultural Bio-Energy Project And Organic Farming Transition In Taiwan.

Hoggarth, Julie A. Guerra-Reyes, Lucia Safe motherhood and maternal mortality reduction strategies: a cross cultural perspective. Master Essay, University of Pittsburgh.

Guerra-Reyes, Lucia Changing Birth in The Andes: Safe Motherhood, Culture and Policy in Peru. Gamez Diaz, Laura Cosmology And Society: Household Ritual Among The Terminal Classic Maya People Of Yaxha Ca. Marcone, Giancarlo Political Strategies And Domestic Economy Of The Lote B Rural Elite In The Prehispanic Lurín Valley, Peru. Macia, Laura Dealing With Grievances: The Latino Experience In Pittsburgh, Pennsylvania.

Hamm, Megan Activism, Sex Work, And Womanhood In North India. Frenopoulo, Christian The Referential Functions Of Agency: Health Workers In Anthropology dissertation Missions To Madiha Kulina Indians In The Brazilian Amazon. DePaoli, Lisa Coffield "No Podemos Comer Billetes": Climate Change And Development In Southern Ecuador. Campbell, Roberto Socioeconomic differentiation, leadership, and residential patterning at an Araucanian chiefly center Isla Mocha, AD Household Organization and Social Inequality at Bandurria, A Late Preceramic Village in Huaura, Peru.

Alejandro Jose Chu Barrera. Jennifer E. Ideology and the Development anthropology dissertation Social Hierarchy at the Site of Panquilma, Peruvian Central Coast. Luis Enrique Lopez-Hurtado Orjeda. Our Roots, anthropology dissertation, Our Strength: The Jamu Industry, Women's Health and Islam in Contemporary Indonesia.

Sarah Elizabeth Krier. An investigation of sex determination from the anthropology dissertation pelvis: A morphometric analysis. Kathleen Ann Satterlee Blake. Carrying Out Modernity: Migration, anthropology dissertation, Work, and Masculinity in China. Xia Zhang.

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anthropology dissertation

Department of Anthropology Dissertation Guidelines Ph.D. candidates in the department of anthropology must complete a dissertation that is based on original research related to their area of specialization that adds to or transforms scholarly knowledge on a subject. Students are required to conduct dissertation research, which may The goal of writing anthropology dissertation is to give students the opportunity to conduct an original research project. This way, you will be able to gain detailed knowledge of the existing literature, current research, and methods used in your chosen area Anthropology Dissertation Ideas Anthropology is a broad field, so choose specific ideas to narrow down to a topic you can manage. Find an interesting subject that serves as a pedestal to start research work. Start by composing a bibliography and identify credible sources of research

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