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Cultural Inclusion in Early Childhood and Primary Education : Intercultural Professional Development to Support the Integration of Immigrant and Minority Families. Contemporary Europe is facing increased cultural and linguistic diversity super-diversitywhich raises questions on how western societies should deal with related topics, such as inequality, integration and inclusion.
Dissertation on inclusion and social exclusion is rather persistent for some European groups immigrant and ethnic minority families and creating inclusive environments for children read more is a crucial step in tackling these inequalities.
Professionals working in the education system fulfil a key role in this, dissertation on inclusion. To adequately equip professionals in dealing with super-diversity, we need to further strengthen their intercultural competences using adequate professional development. The current dissertation aims to provide new insights in this using data from a large international ISOTIS and national LKK research project.
Chapter 2 reports on a systematic literature review on how professional development efforts can improve intercultural competences of teachers. Teacher efficacy can be viewed as a two-dimensional concept in which both general self-efficacy beliefs relevant to most teaching situations are measured alongside diversity-related domain-specific beliefs.
Differences in self-efficacy beliefs dissertation on inclusion be explained by classroom diversity. Teachers working in more diverse classrooms feel more efficacious working with diverse student populations and report dissertation on inclusion are more often engaged in intercultural classroom dissertation on inclusion, which in turn provides them with new opportunities to build up their self-efficacy beliefs.
Chapter 4 reports on a study that investigated quality and inclusion in the Dutch hybrid ECEC system from an organizational perspective. Using latent class analysis we distinguished three different organization types: engaged professional organizations, commercial service-oriented corporations and traditional bureaucratic organizations.
Engaged professional organizations invest in professional development of staff, have a strong social mission and reach out to parents and other local institutions. These organizations outperform the other types of organizations on several quality and inclusion measures and serve more children from a disadvantaged background, dissertation on inclusion.
Chapter 5 reports on the results of a cross-national study on the relation between integration of immigrant and ethnic-minority families and shared practices and beliefs of professionals. Concluding, the findings in this dissertation have revealed that strong intercultural competences of professionals working in early childhood and primary education are necessary to support the integration, inclusion and well-being of disadvantaged children, and that continuous, collaborative PD can help strengthen these competences.
Moreover, our results highlight that it is not merely about strengthening the intercultural competences of individual professionals. Instead, we should assure that strong intercultural competences are anchored within the organization logics of organizations in the local support system. show less. Embargo until January 02 Keywords: Inclusion; Diversity; Early Childhood Education and Care; Primary School; Professional Development; Intercultural Competences; Minority Families; Immigration; Cultural Diversity; Linguistic Diversity.
Publisher: Utrecht University, dissertation on inclusion. See more statistics about this item.
The Missing Link to Sustainable Diversity and Inclusion - Maria Morukian - TEDxRoseTree
, time: 17:52
dissertation, containing a generic analysis of the ‘inclusive classroom,’ differentiation analyses of ‘inclusion,’ and ‘co-teaching,’ and a generic analysis of ‘having a disability.’ Finally, in Chapter 5, Discussion, we examine implications for further research and blogger.com by: 2 A Study of the Perceptions of Diversity and Inclusion Initiatives in Producing Improved Productive Work Cultures. Crouch, Robert T., Dissertation, Gardner-Webb University, Diversity/Inclusion/Work Culture/Effective Work Teams Organizations today view diversity in the workforce as extending beyond antidiscrimination blogger.com: Robert T. Crouch This Dissertation is brought to you for free and open access by the Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies Collection at ScholarWorks. It has been accepted for inclusion in Walden Dissertations and Doctoral Studies by an authorized administrator of ScholarWorks. For more information, please contact ScholarWorks@blogger.com
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